


Lawrence Technological University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), 通过与阿森松密歇根卫生系统的独特合作伙伴关系提供, is a four-year, qualified applicants program. 学生在第一天开始他们的护理学习,护理课程整合在课程中.

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利记sbo的护理学士学位课程获得了大学护理教育委员会的认可 www.ccneaccreditation.org

The innovative partnership between 利记sbo and Ascension Michigan 是为了准备护士,以满足不断变化的医疗环境的需求. 学生接受利记sbo标志性的“理论与实践”教育,并受益于阿森松密歇根大学富有同情心的承诺, personalized care for all.

学生们将轮流在阿森松密歇根医院的六个地点进行各种, 专业经验,而不会因必须在不同的医疗保健系统中进行导航而导致生产力损失. The rigorous, evidence-based curriculum, taught by healthcare professionals working in a real-world setting, incorporates an active collaborative approach to learning.

Why 利记sbo for Nursing?

  • Qualified applicants begin nursing courses from day one
  • 六个阿森松密歇根州医院地点临床轮转200门诊设置
  • 阿森松密歇根的员工有资格获得该系统的RN贷款减免计划
  • State of the art simulation lab
  • Preparation for the NCLEX-RN state licensure exams
  • 利记sbo和阿森松密歇根大学之间独特的学术实践伙伴关系
  • Students receive a personal computer loaded with health-care software
  • Multidisciplinary, inter-professional simulation experiences
  • Access to the libraries of both 利记sbo and Ascension Michigan
  • BSN program works with your schedule: athletes have a mean GPA of 3.4 with 100% retention.

Office of Admissions


Program Director

M. Therese Jamison DNP, ACNP-BC


培养创新的专业护理领导者,他们是富有同情心和关怀的治疗师,致力于通过护理艺术改变医疗保健, research, theory, practice, technology, and community engagement.


护理课程的理念是拥抱和培养利记sbo的理论与实践的座右铭. Through scientific inquiry, 学生将理论结构和概念运用到专业实践中. Innovative project-based, problem-based, 积极的协作学习策略贯穿于教与学的教学法之中. 阿森松密歇根大学和利记sbo的诚信核心价值是为学生创造一个跨越不同环境的关怀和治疗环境的组成部分, patients, families, and the community.

Nursing Program Goals:

  • 授权未来的专业护士领袖,成为弱势群体和公正社会的倡导者.
  • 将基于关系的护理和护理科学过程的基本概念嵌入到专业实践环境中.
  • 未来的专业护士将通过护理艺术和科学的复杂平衡来改变医疗保健领域.

Nursing Program Outcomes

  • 在护理科学的背景下整合人文科学和科学知识.
  • Implement the principles of relationship-based care into patient centered, individualized care imparted within a caring and healing environment.
  • 展示不同环境下的健康促进和疾病预防战略, lifespan, 以及弱势群体,以解决健康差距和人口健康问题.
  • 在临床推理的框架内制定护理计划, quality improvement, and evidence-based practice.
  • 利用信息管理和技术确保安全、有效和高质量的护理.
  • 采用跨专业合作和领导策略来改善个人的成果, communities, and systems.
  • 重视专业护理实践,反映护理实践的范围和标准以及道德规范.
  • 检查政策、金融和监管环境对医疗保健的影响.

Prepare for the Future

This is your time. Your time to change lives, your community, and the healthcare system.

  • 从事被公众视为最诚实和最合乎道德的职业(盖洛普民意测验).
  • 对bsn准备注册护士(rn)的需求正在增长,并将继续增长.
  • 美国医学研究所(Institute of Medicine)呼吁,到2020年,80%的护士都要准备好bsn.
  • 美国护理学院协会(American Association of Colleges of nursing)对461所护理学院进行的一项调查发现,有45所学校的护士在接受培训.只有1%的医院和其他医疗机构要求新员工拥有BSN,而79.6 percent of employers expressed a strong preference for BSN graduates.



According to the U.S. Bureau of the Labor Statistics Registered Nurses have a median hourly wage of $ 42.80 and an annual median pay of $89,010.

Nursing leads the top 50 "High Demand, High Wage" careers in Michigan with protected annual job openings of 6,650 and a job growth rate of 13.5% from 2016 to 2026.


Lawrence Tech和Ascension Michigan之间的创新合作伙伴关系旨在为护士做好准备,以满足不断变化的医疗保健环境的需求. 学生接受利记sbo标志性的“理论与实践”教育,并受益于阿森松密歇根大学富有同情心的承诺, personalized care for all.

Welcome from the Director

我们很高兴提供利记sbo(利记sbo)和阿森松密歇根大学之间的学术实践合作伙伴关系,在护理科学学士学位(BSN)学位. Once admitted, you will be joining the profession of nursing, 哪个职业连续17年被评为“最诚实、最道德”的职业. 1981年起担任阿森松密歇根大学副教授,1988年起担任高等教育教授, I am extremely blessed to part of this partnership and profession. As the nursing program grows, I will continue to be clinically active, as an acute care nurse practitioner, to ensure you are provided with the most current, relevant, and state of the art nursing program.

The program at 利记sbo-Ascension is competitive and unique for several reasons. One, it is competitive with its 125 credit plan of study; yet unique in that the program is offered in 11 consecutive semesters, which allows students to obtain a BSN in four years, not five. 与许多其他大学不同,该项目在第一学期就开设了护理课程. 学术实践伙伴关系在底特律三县地区也是独一无二的,展示了伙伴关系对卓越教育和改善健康结果的承诺. 临床经验将从预防和初级保健到六家阿森松医院和门诊机构的高敏度设置. You will have access to two nursing simulation labs, one on the 利记sbo campus and the other at Ascension Providence Hospital, Southfield campus.

We wish you all the very best as you review our webpage, attend open houses, as well as communicate with staff, faculty, and administrators.

With highest regards,

M. Therese Jamison DNP, ACNP-BC

M. Therese Jamison DNP, ACNP-BC

Director of Nursing/Professor of Nursing

College of Health Sciences